Human Resource Management(11版)
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底下是 Human Resource Management(11版) 的內容簡介
Key Features
1.Coverage reflects trends in the business world and HRM function within organizations and addresses specifically the challenges of a more diverse, more technologically-sophisticated, and more complex workplace. Changing government and legal requirements, increased awareness for security issues, new information systems, downsizing, demands for a more skilled workforce, and intensifying global competition are just a few of the factors that are addressed in the new edition.
2.'On the Job' appendices follow selected chapters and offer practical examples in such areas as job descriptions and resumes.
3.End-of-chapter materials include:
(1)'Review Questions' to provide students with an opportunity to review chapter concepts through questions developed to test students' memory of key issues and concepts in each chapter;
(2)'Discussion Questions' that provide an opportunity for students to apply critical thinking skills to in-depth questions;
(3)'Incidents' (two per chapter) that act as minicases for students to analyze and dissect chapter concepts and applications via real-life scenarios;
(4)'Exercises' that are experiential in nature and can be done in class or as homework and are designed to illustrate major points made in the chapter.
4.The clear, concise writing style combined with numerous illustrations and applications makes the text very readable for students.
作者: Lloyd L. Byars, Nabil A. Ibrahim, Leslie W. Rue
新功能介紹- 出版社:華泰文化
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2016/02/03
- 語言:英文
商品網址: Human Resource Management(11版)
營運資金管理 | 財報就像一本故事書:兩岸財報實戰篇 | 全面降低企業成本 | 成本與管理會計 | ||||
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博客來網路書局>財務管理經典試題寶典-進階篇 博客來網路書店 | 財務管理:理論與實務 林向愷 97-3 | 財務策劃全透視 | 國際財務管理與金融(三版二刷) |
商品網址: Human Resource Management(11版)
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